Mr CHONG Wai-lun Roger
TWGHs Lo Kon Ting Memorial College

Mr. CHONG Wai-lun received a Bachelor of Arts (Honour) degree in Chinese (History), a Postgraduate Certificate of Education and a Master of Education degree in Values Education from the University of Hong Kong. He has been working as a secondary school teacher for more than 20 years. He teaches Chinese History, Liberal Studies and Chinese Language. In recent years, Mr. CHONG has been the teacher-in-charge of organizing pull-out China Studies gifted programmes at school. Between the school years 2012-13 and 2013-14, he was seconded to the Education Bureau (EDB). He first worked at the Personal, Social and Humanities Education (PSHE) Section in 2012/13 school year and then was transferred to the Gifted Education Section in 2013/14 school year during which he was partly seconded to the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education for curriculum development.


A Change Agent who Catalyses School-based Gifted Education Development

Mr. CHONG will give a sharing of his first hand experience as a seconded teacher. Being equipped with gifted education skills and theories during his secondment, Mr. CHONG returned to his own school in the past September and played role as a change agent by conducting a Quality Education Fund sponsored project to implement gifted education for junior form students. This project is served as a pilot scheme to incorporate advanced gifted education models into day-to-day school practice.

Ms NG Pui-yee, Pelly
Vice Principal
HKFYG Lee Shau Kee Primary School

Ms NG Pui-yee received her postgraduate diploma in Education from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Master of Education degree from the University of Hong Kong in 2000 and 2009 respectively. Since 2001, she has led her school's General Studies group to develop school-based curriculum via the Seed Project organized by the Gifted Education Section of the Education Bureau. She seconded to the Gifted Education Section of the Education Bureau in the year of 2005-06. She has taken up the role of curriculum development leader, PSM(CD), in her serving school since 2006, and now is the Vice Principal of the school who is leading all subject panels to develop school-based gifted education curriculum. She is currently the teacher member of Committee on Gifted Education of Hong Kong Curriculum Development Council and the committee member of the Hong Kong Association of Curriculum Development and Leadership.


Deriving School-based Gifted Education Curriculum Development from General Studies

Many primary schools of Hong Kong have been developing their school-based gifted education curriculum. Its determining factor is based on the school's commitment on Gifted Education. The presentation will be started by addressing the speaker's involvement in the Seed Project and Teacher Secondment Exercise, both were offered by the Gifted Education Section of the Education Bureau. It will then come to the speaker's experience sharing on how to implement curriculum compacting in accord with the General Studies curriculum in the school, and how to transform the gained experience into leading the school's all subject panels and adminstration groups to develop school-based gifted education curriculum with the 3-tier model of Gifted Education in Hong Kong.