Mr CHENG Tak-chi
Head of Academic Committee
Po Leung Kuk Wu Chung College

Mr. CHENG Tak-chi received a Postgraduate Diploma in Education from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2000 and a Master of Arts in Student Guidance and Counselling from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2007. He has been leading the gifted education activities in school since 2006 and was invited to share his experiences in many seminars organised by the Education Bureau. As the teacher-in-charge of gifted education in his school, Mr Cheng not only organises gifted education activities in school, he is also keen on training his students for the territory-wide science competitions. Under the leadership of Mr Cheng, the school garnered several awards in Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition and the Hong Kong Budding Scientists Award. Mr Cheng also takes part in the community service. He currently serves as the Chairman of the Community Information Weather Network.


Affective education has been promoted to meet the social and emotional needs of gifted students in recent years. In this session, the speaker will share his experience in implementing the school-based pull-out affective programme for S.3 and S.4 gifted students. The objective of the programme is to let students read through the lives of the characters on the biographies and experience the difficulties and obstacles that they had encountered. The speaker will also share the gist of preparing the lessons as well as leading group discussions and activities.